Popular Brands and Types of Commercial Auto Insurance

Does your business utilize a car, van or truck for any reason? What you may not realize is that commercial auto insurance is a necessity for a huge range of different businesses, even ones who don't realize it at first. You don't have to be in the trucking or transportation industry to need this kind of protection. With that said, as you begin to search for the right type of coverage, it's important to know where to turn and who to work with.
Many of the biggest names in the world of individual consumer insurance also provide commercial auto and commercial trucking insurance. That includes the big boys of the insurance world, companies with names that everyone recognizes, such as Geico, Progressive, Nationwide and All State. Many businesses immediately flock to these big providers because they recognize the brand name, and have a level of comfort and trust with them.
Just as with regular consumer insurance for your car or home though, there are also many smaller providers, including localized providers that may serve only one state or region. The benefit to going with one of these companies is typically the level of service you receive, or perhaps a very specialized form of coverage which is a great match for what you're doing. You may sacrifice some of the cost savings though you receive with bigger brands, as the small guys just can't compete with that scale of pricing.
For commercial auto insurance, there are also specialized providers who deal with very narrow and unique types of coverage which other companies may not offer. For example, owners operator insurance may not be offered by every company which offers a more generic commercial auto insurance plan.
You may have to look a bit harder to find a company which offers a really smart type of plan for your refrigerated truck, for instance, or for your log hauling vehicle. If you're a local delivery or service company, you may also want to think about a local provider, so they're as familiar with your turf as you are, and the unique demands you face.
The most important aspect of choosing from all of the best commercial auto insurance companies is to find the type of coverage or plan which is as closely aligned to your business, what you do, how you do it, and what you drive, as possible. From there, look for a great price, and a company with a solid reputation so you know you can depend on them.
Ultimately, there are many different brands and companies to choose from. Just make sure you protect yourself, your investment and your company with the right kind of commercial auto insurance before you need it and it's too late.
John Rothschild is the owner of ACI Insurance Services, a leading provider of Florida commercial auto insurance for more than 10 years. ACI is known for their customer service, their extensive experience and knowledge of the industry, and their affordable rates, and they'll do everything they can to meet the needs of their clients.
To get started with high quality and affordable commercial auto or commercial truck insurance in Florida visit LowCostFloridaInsurance.com or call John directly at 407.889.2612.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Rothschild

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8684268

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