3 Factors for Selecting the Optimal Indemnity Insurance Amount

You run a service business and you want to protect it effectively with indemnity insurance. There are many important decisions which you have to make as a buyer. One of them is how much coverage to buy. You should base your calculations on the following important factors.
Financial Performance and Wealth
The indemnity insurance amount which you buy must correspond to the revenue and profit of your company and to its total asset wealth. The more profitable and wealthier your business is the higher the claimed compensation amounts will be. Hence, you have to be adequately prepared.
It is best if you use the financial statements of your company for the past five years to determine the optimal cover amount for you. If you are starting a new venture, you should get a cover amount which corresponds to the average compensation claim amount for your industry. The value of your company's assets must be considered as well.
Service Nature and Price
You have to base your choice of indemnity insurance amount on the nature of your service as well. Services related to human health such as medical and pharmacy services are associated with higher risk and this should be considered when a cover amount is selected. Similarly, services which involve a risk of large financial losses for the client such as accounting and financial advisory services will require more coverage.
The insurance amount should correspond to the price of the service as well. This is because the client will always take into account how much he has paid for the service when making a claim for compensation. The providers of more expensive services need larger cover amounts.
Client Base
You have to take into account the types of clients that you work with. You have to evaluate the risk of a claim being made against your business. If you provide services to clients in traditionally more vulnerable groups such as children, seniors and individuals with disabilities, you will benefit from a larger cover amount.
You have to consider the income and wealth of your clients as well. Wealthier individuals and companies have the ability to hire top lawyers, who are capable of winning larger compensation amounts in the court of law. In such cases, you have to have sufficient cover amount in order to pay and safeguard your business.
In order to come up with the optimal indemnity insurance amount, you need to do precise analysis and calculations. You should not hesitate to get expert help with this.
Get your service business in New Zealand properly covered with Indemnity Insurance which matches your needs and requirements precisely. Work with leading experts for the best result.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Celine_Potrov

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8651644

Businesses That May Require Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an essential expense for a large number of businesses. This type of coverage protects a business from potential lawsuits if any of their vehicles are involved in an accident, no matter who is at fault. Many people believe this coverage is only needed for shipping or transportation businesses. Here are some businesses that can also benefit from commercial auto insurance.
Catering Companies
These businesses often have employees traveling to and from worksites daily. A chance of something happening during the drive always exists. The company could face a lawsuit if the driver was deemed at fault in an accident. This coverage helps pay the costs of any damages or litigation.
Driving Instructor
If you are a driving instructor who uses your own car, especially if the vehicle is an instructor car with two brakes, you should consider extra coverage. Many insurance plans do not cover incidents that involve an unrelated driver operating the vehicle. If vehicle has been written off as a business expense for tax purposes, it may not qualify for simple coverage.
Pizza Delivery
If a driver uses a company-provided car, then the business may be liable. However, many delivery businesses protect themselves by requiring the drivers to use their own cars. This places the burden for obtaining insurance coverage back on the individual drivers.
At-Home Care or Education Professionals
If you are required to travel regularly while transporting job-related equipment or materials, it may make sense to have commercial auto insurance. Whether you represent your own small business or are a contracted employee, this type of coverage can help reimburse the cost of lost equipment following an accident. Plus, it may prevent a job-related claim from affecting the rates of any personal coverage plans.
With a proper plan in place, any accidents or injuries that occur involving a company vehicle should be covered by the insurer. This shields not only the driver, but also the business owner from facing a large lawsuit or major claims for damages or medical expenses. When purchased by a well-known or large corporation, these plans become relatively inexpensive on a per-vehicle basis. You may need to contact the local department of labor or DMV in order to determine if you are legally required to have this kind of plan.
Even if it is not a requirement, commercial auto insurance can give both the drivers and business owners some peace of mind knowing that they are covered if the unplanned should arise.
To learn more about commercial auto insurance in Texas, visit http://www.americantruckinsurance.com/texas-coverage/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaliyah_Arthur

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8688375

4 Common Mistakes in Choosing RV Insurance

An RV insurance policy is not quite different from other types of policies. The main difference is the array of uses, models, and liabilities that are specific to RVs. The different types of recreational vehicles from pop-up campers, toy haulers, and truck campers, can make choosing the right policy a bit confusing. In addition, the different activities, risks, and liabilities for owning this kind of vehicle could also make choosing a policy even more stressful. This article discusses the most common mistakes that owners make when buying RV insurance.
Mistake 1: Assuming that a car insurance is enough
As an RV owner, you need to understand that this automobile is more than just a big car. It is a specialized vehicle that needs a different kind of policy and coverage. For one, it needs a coverage that also accommodates the personal belongings stored inside it. The policy should also include discounts that reflect when and where you will drive the vehicle, as well as the services it needs. With that said, you need to make sure that the policy will have the right coverage suited for a specialized automobile.
Mistake 2: Choosing Insufficient RV Liability Insurance Coverage
Liability coverage protects you in case an unfortunate incident occurs, such as theft, vandalism, fire, which may damage your vehicle. Choosing insufficient liability coverage may result in huge financial losses, especially since medical expenses and loss wages can quickly exceed the limit of the coverage. For this reason, you need to choose one that reflects your financial situation. Avoid blindly following the state-required minimums.
Mistake 3: Buying The Policy With The Lowest Price
Although you are trying to save money, avoid buying the lowest price available. You need to understand that a reliable and specialized RV insurance is very important. You should compare the features and services on top of the prices.
Mistake 4: Ignoring Potential Discounts
There are a lot of things that can reduce your premium. The built-in premium savings and the discounts can help you in that area. Here are some of the discounts you may be eligible for:
  • Combine coverage for insuring your RV and other automobiles on the same policy or carrier.
  • Renting a storage unit which allows you to suspend the coverages you don't need when you're not using your RV.
  • Installing safety and security features on your vehicle
  • Having a safe and clean driving record.
To avail these discounts, you need to consult with an agent. Take advantage of these discounts to enjoy more savings.
This article is written by a finance and insurance blogger. Click here [http://www.allstar-lincoln.com/services/rv-insurance/] to learn more about RV insurance options.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sara_Schweiger

Long-Term-Care Insurance: 3 Mistakes When Buying (And What to Do Instead)

As we grow older, the probability that we will need in-home or facility-based long-term-care services increases greatly. Long-term-care insurance will pay some or all of the costs of this care. Given the high costs of these services, why don't more people buy insurance that will pay for them? They often fail to act because they make mistakes like the following. You want to avoid them, don't you? Read on!
Mistake 1 - Procrastination. Neither you nor I like to think about a time in the future when we may be unable to meet our needs independently. The very thought is at least unsettling. It might even be frightening.
You may feel fine and healthy now. You may find it hard to think about a future when you are frail.
What to do Instead - Look at the numbers: The National Center for Long Term Care Information says that more than 70% of all 65 year olds will need some kind of long term care services during their lives.
The Oregon Insurance Division has reported that in 2007 a year in a private room in a nursing home cost about $76, 000 in Portland and $71,000 in the rest of the state. The services of a Home Health Aid cost about $31 per hour in the Portland area and $46 in the rest of Oregon. Those numbers are 8 years old. They are certainly much higher now.
Do you want to bet that you will not need these services? If you lose the wager, it will cost you.
Mistake 2 - Worrying about the cost. Yes, long-term-care insurance is expensive. After thinking about your cost-of-living and setting aside an emergency fund, you may not be able to pay the premiums.
But, if you can afford the premiums and want to buy a policy, waiting is another gamble. Insurance companies look carefully at your health before issuing a long-term-care-insurance policy. If you wait too long, an unexpected health problem may prevent you from buying any policy.
What to do instead - Determine if you might be able to afford a policy and if you want to buy one. Visit an insurance advisor.
Your advisor can review your financial situation with you. He can also recommend a policy or policies that would best fit your financial circumstances and meet your specific needs/
Mistake 3 - Failing to consult an insurance advisor. You have probably read that insurance salespeople are concerned only with selling you policies in order to earn a commission. This may have made you hesitant to consult an advisor.
That may be true of some advisors. After all, bad apples exist in every occupation. It is not true of all of them.
You need an advisor to assist you in reviewing your financial situation. More important, an advisor can tell you what products are available to meet your specific needs. She can also allow you to understand why that is so.
What to do Instead - Meet with an insurance advisor after you have done your basic research on the internet. Realize that you are the person who decides how that meeting proceeds. Come with a prepared set of questions.
If the answers are not satisfactory or if some other aspect of the meeting does not meet your expectations, find a new advisor.
To further investigate insured financial planning and long-term-care insurance, visit our blog at http://www.lifeunderwritergroup.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_L_Potter

3 Vital Reasons Why You Should Buy Health Insurance at an Early Age

Although you are healthy in your twenties, there is no surety of enjoying this good health in your late thirties. Please don't take me wrong. My intention is here to help you get prepared for the future financial crisis raised due to the sudden medical expenses. Are you ready for them? A disease can attack you anytime without giving you any prior warning. Get individual health insurance and protect you against the speedy rising hospital bills. With this coverage, you will have a viable source to assist your family stand confidently in bad times. Here are few reasons why you should buy a health policy for yourself before it gets too late for you.
1. Buying Health Cover at Early Age Saves You Money - Remember, the younger you are, the lower plan premium you will have to pay to your insurer. The price of the individual health insurance policies majorly depends on the age of the insured. You can see a steep jump in the premium slab post after the age of 30. For example, when you are 25 years old and decide to buy a policy of 5 lakh - sum insured, you have to pay only approximately 5000 per person. However, if you do the same after the age 35, you might have to pay much more even with no extra health benefits.
2. Lifestyle Changes Have Increased Illnesses - Today, like many money-minded people, we typically keep busy in grooming your career, so it directly results in leaving bad effects on our health. Junk food items, unbalanced diet and heavy consumption of beverages like tea and coffee are the major reasons why we are now more prone to various health problems like cholesterol, diabetes, and heart diseases as compared to the earlier times. Stress-related hypertension hits many corporate people today and leaves no choice for them, but having regular medicines to help them overcome the problem. With the purchase of an individual health insurance plan on time, you might also get an opportunity to use the annual health check-up program. This would help to get you aware of any serious disease before it gets worse.
3. Buying Group Health Insurance Is Not Enough for You - The urgent need of the health insurance can't be overlooked in a world where the cost of medical expenses increases faster than the prices of the useful groceries. With your company's coverage, it's not possible to take care of all the hospital expenses especially the bills created during your frequent clinic's visit at an older stage.
Deepak K. Sehrawat is an author who has extensive knowledge about insurance industry. He typically loves to write and inform people about different aspects of Cashless Mediclaim Policy. The author has also vast experience of writing on Compare Health Insurance Policy for the sake of online readers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deepak_K._Sehrawat

Is Invisalign Covered Under Dental Insurance?

Did you know that orthodontic treatments, including braces and removal appliances, are the most commonly claimed medical procedures under private health insurance (based on information from the Australian Private Health Insurance Ombudsman)? That should assure you that your invisalign treatment can be included in your dental insurance cover. Take note that such coverage is only available in private health insurance.
How To Claim Your Invisalign Treatment
The fact that invisalign is a form of removable brace, means that it would be classified as an orthodontic treatment. In this case, the Australian Private Health Insurance Ombudsman (PHIO) provides a useful guide to help you in claiming this treatment.
The PHIO advices that you should get a written treatment plan from your orthodontist, beforehand. This is because various health funds must first determine your orthodontic benefits, based on the Orthodontic Treatment Plan.
A treatment plan normally includes such details as:
- Estimated length of treatment
- Total cost of treatment
- Dental item number for identifying the treatment
- How you'll pay for treatment (this may be in monthly installments or lump sum payment).
When presented with a copy of the treatment plan, your health fund will provide you with a benefit quote. Such a quote would be based on your treatment, as well as your level of cover.
Benefit Limits And Waiting Periods
Different health funds offer varied benefit limits; although they all tend to have a similar waiting period of 12 months. A waiting period is simply the time you need to wait, after commencement of your cover, before you're eligible to claim any benefits. Remember to first shop around for health funds offering the best benefit limits, before settling on one.
Some funds offer accrued benefits, whereas others have only fixed benefits. In the case of fixed benefits, you would be allowed to claim a certain amount of benefit per year, which would also have an overall cap beyond which you cannot claim in your lifetime. In the case of accrued benefits, there still exists a maximum lifetime cap, but the yearly benefit amount increases continually on a yearly basis.
When making a choice of the most suitable coverage, always take into consideration the yearly benefits and lifetime caps. You must ensure that those specific amounts would significantly offset your orthodontic treatment costs. This is especially so, since the Australian Society of Orthodontists reveals that orthodontic treatment for both upper and lower braces would range from $4,500 to $8,000.
Your Choice Of Medical Professional Can Affect Your Benefits
It's critically important that you clearly understand the conditions for your health insurance. In certain instance, the health fund may give lower benefits if your orthodontic treatment is carried out by a general dentist, instead of an orthodontist. Therefore, you should advise your fund concerning your health care provider beforehand. Fortunately, many health funds provide similar benefits, whether you receive treatment from an orthodontist or a general dentist.
Considering all the technical aspects that may affect your benefits, you should always keenly analyze all the conditions that apply to your coverage. This will ensure that you get the most appropriate coverage for your invisalign treatment.
William regularly offers the most useful insights concerning oral care. His ideas can help you maintain good oral health. Be Well Dental will provide you with the best dental care. Make sure to get further professional consultation from Be Well Dental website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Huynh

Do Software Developers Need Indemnity Insurance?

It is a fact that software development is one of the fastest growing industries at present. At the same time, it is among the newest as well. As a result, businesses in this industry risk falling into many different legal traps. One of the methods for protection is the purchase of indemnity insurance. Find out how effective and reliable it is.
Cover Basics
Indemnity insurance covers your professional liability. More specifically, it protects you in the case of negligence, error or omission. Most policies available in the market offer more comprehensive coverage which includes loss of documents, defamation, libel and slander and unintentional copyright infringement.
It is easy to understand how such a policy works. If you develop a financial software programme for a client and his business incurs a loss because of an error in the code leading to inaccurate calculations, the client will make a claim for compensation. The policy will kick in to provide the compensation. In this way, your business will not suffer a financial loss.
Indemnity vs. Product Liability Insurance
Traditionally, indemnity insurance has been reserved for service businesses while product liability is used for covering product manufacturers and sellers. Typically, software is considered to be a product, but for the purposes of liability insurance it must be regarded as a service. It does not matter whether you develop applications on commission for clients or offer readily developed applications for sale in the market. This is because product liability policies cover damage to physical assets and bodily injuries only. At the same time, it is highly unlikely for a software application to cause these kinds of issues. Usually, users incur some sort of financial loss.
Proper Protection
As a software developer, you will certainly require an indemnity cover. The question is how to get the right one. As a start, you need to look for a policy which offers comprehensive protection. You should be cover against all possible claims which can be made against your business. It pays off to do some research on this. Check out what other companies in your industry get claims for.
Virtually all policies nowadays offer legal protection. This means that the cost of legal defence is covered by the policy. You have to check whether this amount is part of the total cover amount. If this is the case, you will have less money available to pay the actual compensation.
You should definitely work with experts in indemnity insurance in order to get proper protection for your software development business.
Obtain the most comprehensive and cost-efficient Indemnity Insurance policy for your service business in New Zealand with the professional assistance of experts in the field. Get started now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Celine_Potrov

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8651641

Canadian Super Visa - Method for Applying for (TRV) Temporary Resident Visa

The Canadian Government issues a TRV to people having relatives in Canada. TRV is issued for business, transit and tourism purposes only.
The Application Must Be Completed In The Following Way
First the time to process the application is considered
If you are planning to go to Canada after three months then you need to know the time the Canadian embassy would take to process your application. One should apply for a visa if he knows that he would be visiting his child living in Canada in future. This needs to be done following the due process and with adequate time at hand. So even if the embassy wants to interview you more than once, they can, without disturbing your plans.
Therefore, what you can do is file for visa at least 7 months to 8 months before you have planned to go, as this will also take into account the buffer and approval time. A minimum of six months will be taken by the consulate to collect information about you, your business, your health, your income, your liabilities et al. So even if your application is pending now, you can rest assured that it will be processed by the end of this period.
The Method For Applying For Canadian Super Visa
For the people who have no idea, we must tell you that you can opt for any one option out of the two:
One is to Apply Online
It is the easiest way as you can sit anywhere, anytime, download the form, and fill it. Filling an online form is a much better option because you can correct your mistakes while you are filling the form. The application is quite long and has lot of questions in different sections that you have to answer. The things you need to fill out the form are a scanner and a camera with the computer or laptop for creating the electronic copies of documents. Moreover, you need a valid way to make an online payment of the fees. For purpose of payment, you can use a credit card so make sure it is valid for making payment.
Do not provide any fake documents or information, as the documents will be checked, and in case you are caught, you will be punished.
Second Option Is Applying on Paper
You will get the application form from the immigration office and you can sit back and fill it, but this is only possible if you know what all documents you need and for that, you have to study information guide given before issuing the application for a Canadian TRV.
Fill in all the blocks with desired information, in case you leave some empty then your application can be rejected or deemed as incomplete. Ask the people in the office to guide you through the instruction guide if you are not able to understand something but do not leave the questions unanswered. Furthermore, you also receive an application kit as a reference to help you answer the questions and the application itself has instructions on the front page. These instructions tell you what pen you have to use to fill the form, the style of writing etc. Read the instructions carefully to avoid mistakes.
Apply for Canadian super visa today and enjoy with your family.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rajesh_Sahotra

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8683677

Common Questions About General Commercial Liability Insurance

For small businesses, general commercial liability insurance is an important investment. So, what does this insurance cover? Why do you even need it? And how much coverage should you plan on purchasing?
1. What does General Commercial Liability Cover?
This type of coverage offers protection against bodily injury, physical injury or property damage.
- Bodily Injury: In case a visitor is hurt while at your place of business
- Property Damage: In case you or your employee damage property on your client's premises
- Personal Injury: Offenses like slander, libel, or advertising copyright infringement
- Medical Expenses: The money required for medical treatment of the injured party
- Premises and Operations Liability: Injury or damage that occur during your business
- Tenant's Liability: Damage due to fire or other losses on properties you rented
Obviously, each policy has its own coverage. You'll need to examine your own written policy - even the fine print - before you count on the coverage.
2. Why Do I Need to Get This Coverage?
Small business owners don't expect to get into trouble, but we all know that accidents happen. And even though you may not be at fault for the accident, the fact that it happened on your business's property may cause liability issues for your company. If the case is covered by general commercial liability insurance, you won't have to worry about legal fees or the cost of the trial.
Depending on the nature of your business, you may be working with client companies. These other businesses will probably require you to have insurance - that way, you'll be covered in case anything happens while working with them.
3. How Much Coverage Do I Need?
Your broker will help you determine how much coverage you need based on the nature of your business as well as your location.
The nature of your business includes what type of work you do, the environment that you work in, and many other factors. Different types of industries carry various levels of risk.
Location is also important to consider. In certain locations, courts have historically required higher penalties for certain types of injury or damage. Your agent will help you determine the amount of commercial liability coverage that you may need in case something happens.
4. Can I Reduce My Risk of Filing a Claim?
Even though insurance is a good idea and necessary in many cases, it's also good to do everything that you can to ensure that you don't have to make a claim. There are many ways that you can reduce your chances:
- Thoroughly train your employees and subcontractors
- Establish policies, procedures, and processes that will ensure client and employee safety
- Routinely inspect your business for hazards
- Maintain office furniture and any equipment that will be used
- Ensure that smoke detectors work and that emergency exits are always accessible
- Restrict access to hazardous areas or equipment to authorized personnel
Combining your commercial liability insurance with proper safety measures is the very best way to limit any claims that you may need to make - hopefully, you won't have to make any claims!
When in need of services related to commercial liability, Mobile, AL businesses rely on Thames Batré Insurance. Learn more at http://www.thamesbatre.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaliyah_Arthur

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8648131

How to Find the Best Deal on Errors and Omissions Insurance

In the event that a client files a tortfeasor lawsuit holding a professional or a partner responsible for breach of contract during performance of service, or failure to provide said services on agreement in a bargained for exchange, liability connected with negligence is covered by an E&O policy.
Often cited under malpractice insurance (I.e. medical), the broader contracting of Errors and Omissions coverage by accountants, architects, engineers, and lawyers is similar to the former in terms of protection from professional liability. Coverage under an E&O policy generally includes payment of court costs for defense in a lawsuit, as well as judgments, settlements, attorney fees. E&O insurance covers court related expenses even in where a case has been dismissed.
Reason for Rate Hikes:
The recent rate hikes on E&O underwriting are somewhat mitigated by the entrance of new insurers without the legacy of losses that would otherwise increase premiums across all sectors. The increase in rates seen in renewals in the past year, however, have occurred in response to major losses within particular professionals.
The varied renewal rate hikes illustrate that deviation from a mean average scale of risk is now accorded professions involved in specialties and locations associated with heightened instability. The result is affecting the E&O insurance marketplace.
Experts indicate that many professionals are left negotiating rates. Insurers willing to negotiate sometimes offer deep discounts on premiums at as little as under 5% higher than the inflationary cost of claims and defense estimates for an industry. Still, many E&O insurers have suggested that 10% to 20% rate hikes are on the horizon.
Finding the Best Deal on E&O:
While purchasers of E&O policies can expect to find some consistency in the indexing of policy rates, those seeing extraordinary rate hikes reflect higher defense costs in terms of retroactive claims. The fact that an E&O policy can be underwritten to cover retroactive transactions, evidences that knowledge of professional or sector history is still nebulous in terms of potential future litigation.
In spite of rate hikes, hidden risk or exposure to near future events in sectors like finance and law continue to promote the E&O insurance market as a value for money investment. Legal reforms respondent to the global financial crisis of 2008, have had much to do with those rate hikes following a record number of professional liability lawsuits.
Save when you buy errors and omissions online at http://www.eoforless.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Stranton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8682342

Mistakes To Be Avoided When Questing For a Full-Proof Business Insurance

Since ages, safety has been offered the pilot seat. No matter, what circumstance brings for you; being insured is always the wisest choice. Well, as a matter of fact, today most of us have understood this and are covered with some highly beneficial insurance policies. However, this can come to you as a surprise, there are people around, who still neglect the importance of a right insurance.
Note, the consequences of no insurance coverage or inadequate coverage are devastating; one cannot even commit, what may happen, as there is a whole world of things that can happen to your business. Not protecting it with the right insurance can surely cost you in so many ways.
In addition to above, just getting any insurance coverage is not enough, getting the one that's best for your business is the call of the occasion. And, not doing it the right way, may put you on the losing end during crisis; when you need help the most.
Besides all this, considering some common mistakes made, when searching the best insurance policy for your business, may essentially take you to the right path. Knowing these mistakes will surely help you, to avoid them in the future. So, lets quickly go through some common practices to be avoided, when questing for the right business insurance.
5 Mistakes to be avoided when questing for a full-proof business insurance:
1. Deteriorating the importance
Business owners around the world, although have understood the importance of business insurance. Still, not all business people necessarily think this way. Some may think it's unnecessary as their business is small, while others may consider it too costly. In fact, some may even think that, as they're already covered by other forms of insurance policies; it's more than enough for their property.
2. Lack of the basic insurance knowledge
Not knowing the basic issues, when questing for a business insurance may prove lethal to you as well as your business. In fact, being well-versed about all pros and cons related to any business policy will most certainly help you get the right insurance. Beside all this, as every insurance policy is unique in terms of the coverage it offers as well as the conditions, governing it; treating every individual policy separately is advisable. For example: Would you get car insurance for you home? Would you get life insurance for your car? Of course you wouldn't, so be careful and understand even the minute detail before sealing any insurance policy.
3. Not getting insurance early enough
Taking early insurance into account, will help you cultivate a business of your dreams. If you don't get insurance for your business early enough; obviously in case, if something happens and you need it early, you'll be stuck with paying for the damages yourself.
4. wrong insurance provider
As, not everyone can support multitasking, similar applies to businesses as well. Just because your home insurance provider is a leader at that particular domain, doesn't make him qualify as an ace business insurance provider too. So, be cautious.
5. wrong kind of coverage
Somewhat similar to the risk of getting along with a wrong insurance provider, a wrong kind of coverage is a mistake too. Ultimately, you're the person in charge for making the right business decisions. You're the best person to look out for your own interests.
Henceforth, keeping all the above mentioned points, you'll surely end with the some most suitable, big or small business insurance brokers in Sydney. You can even visit online insurance providers to sort the best for you.
BUSINESS INSURANCE SYDNEY is a leading insurance service company based in Darlinghurst NSW. We offer all types of business insurance plans such as Professional indemnity insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Small business insurance and many more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Jenkison

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8642470

Insurance Career - What's In It for You?

Yes- I'm talking to you! You probably have never thought about it but nothing happens without insurance. You can't buy a house or a car, go to a grocery store or do just about anything without every component of the transaction having some kind of insurance associated with it. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) for 2012, the US Gross Domestic Product for Finance and Insurance was over $1.2 trillion employing over 2 million people. We hear a lot about recent graduates not able to find good jobs and military personnel coming home to a lack of employment opportunities. Let's face it- no-one grows up thinking they want to be an insurance agent! So - let's analyze a few reasons to put a career in insurance on your radar:
  • Recession proof- Even in a "down economy", the requirements for insurance do not go away making the industry somewhat recession proof even when other businesses are distressed.

  • Accommodates a wide range of skills- Are you detail oriented and love finding solutions for challenges? Maybe you are into Math, statistics, accounting or computers? You may find helping people, customer service or relationship building more your thing? Almost every professional skill set has a corresponding possible insurance career.

  • Many carriers provide training- Depending on the type of position you are interested in, you can take classes to get the knowledge you need or many carriers provide great training. Colleges offering "Insurance Degrees" are few and far between but having any BA degree basically means you have the persistence to accomplish a goal making you "trainable."

  • Risk is always changing- The ever developing world is moving so fast that exposures that need protection are also constantly changing. You can never get bored if you make an effort to keep learning new skills and change with the times.

  • Corporate America vs. small business- If you want the security or prestige associated with working for a large corporation or want to develop your Entrepreneurial spirit as a small business owner, both options can be available to you in insurance.

  • Making the big bucks- As with just about any industry, certain positions are not as lucrative as others. The nice thing about insurance is that you can make a very good or even excellent living depending on your drive for success.
It's been a great career for me so far and I'm looking forward to some new challenges as I move into a different position within the industry. I would love to see some "new blood" take advantage of all the Insurance Industry has to offer. It may not seem very glamorous, but I've found it to be a "tight knit" community of some really good folks! I urge you to check it out!
If you happen to be located in Southern California, love working with people and would like to make a difference in the Insurance Industry, contact West Connect Insurance Solutions. We specialize in training and mentoring Entrepreneurs who would like to build a career offering proper insurance protection for their clients. Sign up for my informational newsletter at sharongraeter.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_L_Graeter

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8667590

Four Obligations Every Insurance Agent Has

The members of any profession, since they constitute a specifically trained group of people, are looked upon to assume the responsibility of leadership in work allied to their own. The doctor is looked upon as the leader in public-health campaigns, and the lawyer in campaigns for civic betterment.
You, like every other successful insurance agent, should be interested in any movement which works toward human betterment; but there are certain fields in which your profession enables you to do particularly valuable work:
1. As a Promoter and Teacher of Thrift.
The social significance of this function of the insurance agent should be praised. Think what the ability to reduce poverty means. At the bottom of almost every social problem there is a financial one. The elimination of poverty would certainly take with it many of our most puzzling and difficult social problems.
Many people would be well off today if they had not given up their savings plan at some time. Nearly everyone at some time begins to save, but relatively few stick to the plan until they acquire the habit. After the habit has been developed, people become prejudiced in favor of savings and it is then that we say they have developed ideals of thrift and become careful with money. In other words, an ideal is an emotionalized habit. The insurance agent is really a teacher and promoter of frugal ideals.
In the present after-the-recession period, too, thrift is not only a question of individual welfare, but of the welfare of the country.
2. As a Promoter and Teacher of Health.
The insurance companies have played a vital and important part in the betterment of public health. By their careful and collective analysis of vital statistics they have been able to make clear causal relations between disease and social conditions. By their classification of different vocations with regard to hazard,they have brought out evils which needed correction and which have resulted in a condition of improved health. They have used their resources in fighting epidemics, in enforcing sanitary regulations, in pushing bills for better working conditions, and in publishing educational literature on health and hygiene. More than that, many companies provide direct medical aid, arranging for free physical examinations and supplying free visiting-nurse service.
Of course, the amount of public-health service that the life-insurance agent can render will depend to a large extent on the amount of assistance he receives from his company. He is a connecting link, however, between his company and the community which he serves, and it may be largely through him that the company will receive information which will enable it to render the particular type of service which would most benefit his particular community.
3. As a Promoter of Good Citizenship.
Our democracy is based on the theory that every person is entitled to an equal opportunity to develop his individual abilities. It is often only through the protection that life insurance affords, however, that this ideal is approximated in an individual case. The child who is forced by poverty to leave school before completing his high school by no means has an equal opportunity of developing his individual abilities with those who have enjoyed greater advantages. It is the life insurance agent who points out ways of making certain that individuals shall have this equal chance.
The possibilities of promoting good citizenship through group insurance, too, are very great. The problem which faces the country today can be solved only through better cooperation between employer and employee, and probably few persons have done more to promote better relations in the business world than those who have established systems of group insurance through which the wage earner feels the interest of the employer in him and his affairs.
4. As a Promoter and Teacher of Ideals.
Earlier we mentioned that ideals of thrift have been brought about because of the establishment of habits of thrift. The life insurance agents are probably more nearly responsible for thrift habits in America than any other profession or business. Ideals usually start as habits. When prejudice and emotion become attached to habits ideals result.
You have a glorious opportunity to discuss with your client the most intimate of all relations-his own and his family affairs. You have the opportunity to discuss the most precious relationships which your clients have. If you are a real insurance agent, you can share with your client opinions, information, advice, and experience which may do much to develop and help him. All such sharing of experiences must be absolutely confidential.
All people are actuated by motives of some sort or other. Not many of the other professions offer quite such an opportunity to discuss a person's objectives in life. Life insurance cannot function properly unless it is closely related to life objectives.
No other profession offers quite the opportunity to share such true idealism as does the insurance profession. Of course this is all based upon the assumption that the insurance agent has something to share with his clients.
Learn what every insurance agent needs to know about meeting objections - get your free report here: http://www.MeetingObjections.com
Alen Majer, trusted coach and mentor to insurance agents, helps insurance agencies and agents improve their prospecting and objection-handling skills.
He was voted #2 on the list of Top 50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management in 2013; he is one of the Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012, published author of 5 sales titles.
His blog http://www.alenmayer.com is among top 25 sales blogs in the world.
Whether you need to sharpen cold-calling techniques or prospecting strategies, Alen will improve your insurance business. He works closely with agencies to create a tailor-made, irresistible scripts for their sales team.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alen_Majer

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8893493

Vision Insurance for the Elderly

How important is vision insurance?
Unfortunately, most people do not think of it as critical. It is bought separately from general health insurance policies and often thrown in with other types of insurance, most commonly dental insurance. Additionally people are not always aware of how to care for their vision. As we age, our vision, like the rest of the body, degrades.
However, to show how critical vision is, compare the following facts.
  • Even with the medical advances, restoration of full vision is nearly impossible; so once lost, very little can done to restore vision to its previous strength. This is not true of most body parts including teeth
  • It is relatively cheap to insure vision, vs. dental or health insurance
  • Policies are relatively simple to understand, unlike health insurance policies with their myriad exclusions
Before we get into insurance, let us talk about common vision ailments and what you, as an elderly person, can do to prevent vision problems.
Let me break down your eye structure. Key functions of the eye are to receive light, focus on objects and transmit data to the brain. Here are the key parts of your eye.
  • Pupil, transmits light to the back of the eye
  • Lens, retina and macula work together to transmit not only light and contours but interpret it and communicate data to the brain
  • Vitreous gel, which is 90+ percent water, keeps the shape of the eye and provides moisture
  • Cornea helps to keep the eye from getting infected and also regulates light entering into the eye
  • Iris acts a light meter or filter
Common vision and sight-impairement conditions are as follows:
1. Cataract
2. Diabetes related dieseases
3. Macular degeneration
4. Glaucoma
5. Dry eye
6. Vision impairment
While age related degradation of the eye is common and unfortunately cannot be eliminated, its advance can be slowed down through discipline and some smart practices. They are;
1. Testing: make sure you see your eye doctor at least once a year (usually every six months after the age of 60 or if you have genetic issues with the eye) is recommended. Make sure you undergo a "comprehensive dilated eye exam"
2. Hereditory history: certain eye problems are genetic; know your family's exposure to eye diseases.
3. Diet: a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly leafy vegetables is good for the health of your eye
4. Rest: like the rest of our body, your eyes need to rest. Constant focusing, particularly in back-lit devices, can strain eye muscles.
5. Over-exposure: wear sunglasses--not just to look cool, but avoid hits of sun's ultraviolet rays.
Most vision insurance policies cover basic preventive routines such as eye exams etc. Most come with an annual maximum. But aside from the money, your vision insurance provider should offer the following broad categories of protection and support.
1. Products, Services: these include eye exams, surgery, age-related procedures and discounts on frames and lenses
2. Acceptance. Make sure your provider's policy is accepted across a wide network of opthomologists and eye surgeons near where you live or work. Particularly if you are retired, you may not be very mobile. To have to drive or be driven far to see your eye doctor is not acceptable. It is worth paying a little bit extra for a provider who is accepted widely.
3. Resources. Your provider should have a website member support center that can answer technical questions
4. Customer service. Your provider should have knowledgeable customer service reps who understand what is and is not covered under the policy, how much a particularly procedure can cost in your area and recommend good doctors.
In summary, there is a lot you as a senior can do for your eyes--and be smart about the policy you buy as vision insurance.
http://www.healthcentral.com, National Eye Institute, Medicare Booklet
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shyam_A_Sunder

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8222924

What Every Business Owner Ought To Know About Voluntary Benefits

Some Plain Talk About A Simple Decision That Is Often Difficult to Make
If he had provided voluntary benefit options to his employees, he would have fostered trust and loyalty, his employees would have felt safe in the knowledge that he was looking out for them. This safe culture would have lead to stable, productive, confident teams, where everyone felt they belonged."
They left, some for lower paying jobs that provided voluntary benefits.
The first notable defection was a talented project manager who left to take on a maintenance supervisor position at a nearby property management company. He had to leave to find better ways to protect the financial well being of his family. He went on to build his team by selectively recommending to his new boss the hiring away of his former co-workers.
Of course, the company tried to adjust by switching to a 1099 model from a W-2 model, hiring subcontractors but without a solid vetting process, the switch was not successful the company folded in 2007. The management nucleus that enabled it to grow to an 11 million dollar revenue company in 3 years was gone. The branding perception of a company that did not care about its employees had taken hold.
I believe in the value of the voluntary benefits insurance business and seek every opportunity to go in and relate this experience to business owners."
Who benefits? Both employer and employees benefit. The employer benefits through greater employees satisfaction and retention through improved benefit programs, this, at little or no financial cost to his company. The employees benefit through the ability to custom design an affordable benefits package to protect their income from unexpected costs associated with illness or injury.
What must employers do? Provide employees the option to make informed decisions about protecting their income. For, employees are increasingly more invested in their care. In truth, many employers when asked about employees benefits their first reaction often is, "I'm all set," but are they really? If your employees are not, as you believe you are, it is because you have not given them the choice.
Why must employers do it? Your employees want it. A 2013 study highlighted that 64 percent of employees want their employer to provide a wider array of voluntary benefits that they can choose to purchase. Some actually need it and will happily pay for it because of the peace of mind it engendered. Again, this at no cost to the employer's operating budget.
How must employers do it? Create the environment where employees feel free to exercise this choice. Further, facilitate a welcoming and private setting for this information transfer to take place between the employee and the benefits provider.
Where should this happen? It is preferred that this takes place through the company's group option (payroll deduction) where employees are guaranteed a cost saving of up to 35 percent, rendering the cost of most products at less than a dollar per day.
When must an employer do this? There is rarely a better time than now.
All in all, the who, what, why, how, where and when on voluntary benefits. The ball is in the employer's hands, play it well and you will be the winner (in-a-nutshell).
David Allen, an independent Agent Representing Aflac
Within our office we have over 50 years of experience working with small to medium sized businesses helping them developed more comprehensive benefits offerings.
Contact us for a consultation on how we can help you do this at no cost to your operating budget: David Allen - (Cell) 857-615-4899; (Office) 781-341-3114
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_H_Allen

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8828254

Happy Valuables Day!

According to CNN.com, Americans spend approximately $4.4 billion on diamonds, gold and silver for Valentines Day. That's a lot of valuables! What most people don't do, is spend the few extra dollars it costs to properly insure or protect those valuable items.
Homeowners policies limit coverage on items such as jewelry and watches for the peril of theft to as little as $1,000. Most households have much more jewelry than this so consideration needs to be given to how much you own and if you want to transfer the risk of loss to your insurance company or by other means. Here are a few options to consider for keeping your valuables safe and/ or mitigating financial loss if stolen:
· Obtain a "Floater" policy also known as an "Inland Marine" policy. If you have just purchased the item for Valentines Day, the bill of sale is usually acceptable to determine the value as long as it includes a detailed description of the item to be able to specifically insure it. The nice thing about these policies is that there is usually no deductible, which is the amount you are responsible for when a loss occurs before the insurance kicks in. Your valuables are also covered no matter where you have taken them in the world. It's a good idea to have items appraised every 3-5 years to make sure the fluctuations in value are kept up to date. Sometimes the store where you purchased the item will provide this service free of charge.
· Another option could be to keep jewelry that you do not wear often in a safe deposit box kept at a bank. These can be easily secured for a small annual fee or you may receive one free with other accounts you have with the bank. You can still choose to insure these valuables, but the cost to insure is dramatically reduced if the items are kept in a bank vault. Some Insurers will even allow items to be taken out of the vault to be worn occasionally. Your agent would have to be advised when items are taken out and put back into the vault. Naturally, the cost to insure the item increases for the time kept outside of the vault.
· Consider adding a safe to your home. If you have other valuables such as stamp collections or firearms, you might want to consider having a "gun safe" in your home. The nice thing about them is that they are very heavy and it is extremely unlikely that a burglar would be able to take or break into it.
Your Independent Insurance Agent has access to multiple insurance carriers and can help you find the best solution to your particular situation. Have a Happy Valentines Day and be sure to take the precautions to be able to "keep" what you have purchased.
Sharon L. Graeter, CPCU is Co-Founder and Director of Development with West Connect Insurance Solutions. She has 30+ years experience working in the Insurance Industry and is a contract expert. Her company trains individuals with no prior insurance background but the right personality to become Insurance Sales Professionals. Insurance has been a great career for her and giving others that opportunity is very gratifying. For additional information, visit the website at http://www.westconnectalliance.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_L_Graeter

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8907140

Why Is Life Insurance So Important?

I am sure most of us if not all of us have been to funerals. How many of you have had to financially help bury someone you loved or cared about because there was no insurance? How many times have you asked yourself, "why didn't they have life insurance"?
As an adult I have been to countless funerals, and of all the funerals I have attended I can count on one hand the amount of people who had life insurance.
There are so many reasons (or excuses) why people don't have it. Here are the top 3 I have come across:
1 This is the most heard reason: I can't afford it.
2. I'm not leaving money for my family to get rich off.
3. I'm young I don't need it.
In my personal experience no one young or old can afford NOT to have life insurance. Life insurance is to make sure your family will have the money needed to take care of the expense of a burial and take care of the family financially while they grieve the loss of a loved one.
This brings me back to the question, "why is life insurance so important?"
Life insurance is important to protect you and your family in case of a death or illness. This is the only product in the world you can't get if you need it. The problems we face today are: Becoming ill at an early age, living longer, or dying too soon. We are in a world where children are being killed before they can walk, people are outliving their retirement money and have to work when they retire just to pay the bills, and everyday there is a new life threatening illness being discovered that affects young and old alike.
I ask people these simple questions: Do you have insurance on your car? Do you have insurance on your house? Do you have insurance on your phone? I always get a yes. My next question is "what happens if you get sick or die will those insurances continue to pay for themselves?" The answer is always no or they never thought about it that way. "So what you're saying is that all of those material items are worth more than you." That's when it hits them.
I deal with a lot of people who can't get insurance because of their health issues. It is heart wrenching to know that they really need it and because of an illness they are not qualified to get it. They either pay 200 times what they would pay if they were healthy or they are declined. That is when they regret not getting it when they were healthy.
Life insurance will also protect you while you are alive: you can borrow money to help you pay medical bills, put kids through college, receive a retirement income, or prepare funeral arrangements before you pass on. It's important to your family when you are no longer around, because life insurance allows the family to pay the expense of a burial, pay bills, pay for college education, and grieve without the additional stress.
Life Is Precious Why Not Insure It?
For more information email me at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marci_Redmond

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8927162

Main Causes of Home Water Damage

Insurance companies report that approximately 93 percent of water damage claims last year could have been prevented by simple home maintenance or the use of a standard shut-off system or leak detection system. With most flood damage claims costing an average of $5,000 in repairs, it's extremely beneficial for homeowners to understand and easily identify possible threats that might lead to water damage.
According to insurance companies, rain damage makes up for 8 percent of all water damage claims. Even small amounts of rain, over time, can wear down at your home and cause eventual damage to your home's foundation or interior. Extreme weather conditions such as floods can also cause major damage to homes, especially without the proper protection. Flood damages lead to especially dangerous amounts of standing water, which can house harmful bacteria and pathogens that often lead to illness.
Plumbing Incidents
Many plumbing problems such as burst pipes and pipe leaks occur within walls and can be very difficult to detect. Left undetected for long periods of time, these plumbing problems can cause severe water damage. Leaky and burst pipes are the most common culprits of flood damage, often resulting from backed up drains and toilets. Experts suggest regular inspections of your pipes in order to catch potential problems and make necessary repairs before any real damage occurs.
Household Appliances
Older and malfunctioning appliances can wreak havoc on a home's internal water systems. Weak hoses and rusted or cracked pipes can lead to future leaks and water accumulation. Homes most frequently experience damage from damaged or aged washing machines and hot water tanks; however, dishwashers, refrigerators, and water heaters can also become more and more susceptible to damage over time. Fixing or replacing older models can prevent future leaks and water damage.
Air Conditioning, Heating, and Ventilation Systems
Most homeowners don't realize that their heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance. Without proper attention, these units can see severe moisture buildups which can contribute to the growth of mold and mildew deposits. To prevent these issues, schedule regular maintenance with a professional to catch possible damage. Replacing old fixtures may be necessary in the long run to prevent moisture buildups and, ultimately, water damage.
How to Prevent Water Damage
While some water disasters occur as a result of unpredictable and uncontrollable circumstances, most H2O damage can be prevented through regular home inspections and the periodic maintenance of household products. Homeowners can also install a shut-off system or leak detection system to catch leaks and shut off your water main automatically in the case of a hazardous leak. Investments in smaller repairs and other preventative measures can end up saving you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in the long run.
Visit http://www.mitigationinc.com for more information about water damage and how to prevent it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Allison_Caldwell

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8906059

Types of Business Insurance to Consider

When starting a business, you may think about putting together an investment plan, creating a marketing strategy, and developing the right products and services. These are all very important to success, but so is one thing that you may overlook in the initial planning stages: business insurance. The type of coverage that you have can help protect against serious losses that could threaten the future of your operations. By choosing the right policies, you can protect your investment, your products, and your employees.
Here are a few popular types of coverage to consider:
Worker's Compensation
Most states require that your company carries worker's compensation insurance, but it depends on how many employees you have, what type of business you are in, as well as other factors. You must check with your state's governing body to learn about the exact requirements as they apply to your company. However, even if you are exempt from carrying this coverage, you should consider getting it anyway. Even in so-called "safe" environments like corporate offices, employees can still be hurt from slips and other accidents. Having this policy can ensure that you protect your employees and your bottom line.
Professional Liability
Professional liability coverage is an important type of business insurance to have. This covers against loss or damage if you make an error in providing services that results in injury, property damage, or some other type of loss for your customers. For example, it may cover you if you are fixing an air conditioning unit and a piece of equipment is broken off. It may also cover bad advice given during a consultation that results in loss for the customer. The specifics depend on the type of policy and company you own.
Property coverage is a basic type of business insurance that every company should have. This policy may cover you if your property is damaged, including both the physical building and the equipment inside. It can also prevent lawsuits if your actions cause damage to another person's property. As with all policies, the exact protection received will depend upon specific details of the plan. Make sure to read through the full list of what is covered to ensure that the plan will provide adequate protection.
There are many more types of business insurance plans available, but these are some of the most popular and the most necessary. Of course, many companies also buy several types of policies to provide them with the most comprehensive coverage. After spending time and money building up your company, you don't want to lose it all as a result of accident or negligence. Get the right insurance to make sure that your investment is protected.
When considering business insurance, Mobile, AL residents contact Thames Batre. Learn more about these services at http://www.thamesbatre.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaliyah_Arthur

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8646040

A Little Bit Of History About Insurance in America

It was one of the founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, who formed the first insurance company in 1751, called Philadelphia Contributionship, and it was home/fire insurance. According to PBS reports, 143 policies were issued by the company in the first year, and none of the insured property caught fire for seven years afterwards. In fact, Philadelphia used the same scheme that all insurance companies use today; the members of the company paid an amount of money that would be used to restore financial loss due to fire-related causes. Such payment is popularly known today as insurance premium. Benjamin Franklin played a significant role in developing insurance indeed, but he was not the first to introduce auto insurance. As a matter of fact, the first car insurer's venture began a little earlier than Benjamin Franklin's time.
The First Known Automotive Insurance in America
People now see car insurance as an inevitable part of everyday lives simply because car is the most-popular means of transportation in the country. Insurer provides essential financial protection for every vehicle owner in the event of an accident that causes property damages, casualties, medical conditions, and all possible financial losses. In America, Detroit is nowadays well-known for its automobile industries. During the late nineteenth to early twentieth century, Ohio was home for innovators of this new type of transportation. It is worth mentioning that the world's first car insurance coverage policy was issued in Dayton, Ohio in 1987. According to Ohio Historical Society, Gilbert J. Loomis was the first person to purchase car auto liability insurance. The policy provided protection for Loomis in terms of financial loss (or financial responsibility) in case his car damaged another person's properties, killed, or injured someone. These policies are more or less similar to those used widely by modern car insurance companies throughout America nowadays; at least, the policies issued to Loomis set examples of what kind of financial protection that car insurance policy should at least provide for the owner.
The car insurance industry slowly began to gain its popularity since then, and it indeed developed into more comprehensive as well. In 1902, the first comprehensive insurance policy provided coverage for fire and theft, so it was no longer for accident-related causes only, according to International Risk Management Institute. In 1912, insurance coverage that combined multiple perils was starting to develop as insurers tried to include fire, property, and liability coverage for automobile into one single policy. Auto insurance coverage policies evolved greatly, but the basic principles remain the same. Benjamin Franklin did not probably think about cars when he started Philadelphia Contribution-ship, but he played a crucial role in developing the system and popularize the idea that insurance does bring peace of mind to the policyholder.
With the rise of the automobile industry in America, insurance also began its expansion. There are many factors involved in the success story of car manufacturing such as expansion of U.S. economy, infrastructure and road development, and the rise of "car culture" itself in the country. Of course, the rapid growth of vehicle production and number of car owners in the country inevitably resulted in more road cars and accidents.
In 1930, more than 100 people were killed in accidents per day. It is not a surprising fact since drivers at that time were not obliged to undergo strict driver licensing, and probably most of them were never registered to any driver test. This was, in fact, an expected consequence due to the absence of driver test or driving schools. In 1920s, due to various political reactions, the government invested more funds to build better roads and traffic control system as well as improve vehicle licensing regulation and implement strict driver test. Massachusetts was a step ahead of most states by establishing driver licensing in 1903; however, the state only started to implement driver licensing in 1952.
Massachusetts and Connecticut were ahead again with the implementation of compulsory insurance and financial responsibility laws. To be more precise, Connecticut's law required driver or vehicle owner to produce valid proof of financial responsibility of at least $10,000 in case one is involved in an accident that resulted in more than $100 worth of damages, injury, medical bills, or when the accident caused the death. Back then, drivers were obliged to what was stated by the law after their first-time accident.
In 1950s, car insurance began to spread widely across the nation in almost all states. Massachusetts was the only states in the country that required drivers to purchase car insurance policy before vehicle registration. In 1956, New York adopted the same regulation; North Carolina took the same step in the following year. During 1960s and 1970s, almost all states developed the same type of regulation although each state has different specific requirements. Considering that the beginning of compulsory insurance law was in 1925, and it was successfully applied throughout the nation by 1970s, the development is staggeringly quick.
Nowadays, car insurance evolved into one of the most-profitable industries in the world thanks to the significant help from the Internet.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Felix_De_Los_Santos

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8667035

Bond Insurance - What I Wish I Had When The Contractor Destroyed My Lawn

One of the things that you learn after you have owned a house is that it constantly requires upkeep. Whether it is in need of repairs or because your taste changes, there are countless moments that arise where you will need the help of a contractor. Unfortunately, one of my first experiences with making a change to my home was a terrible one, which resulted in a destroyed lawn at the hands of an unskilled and unscrupulous contractor. If I had had bond insurance, I could have easily recovered from this fiasco, but it took me months to finally get my money back because I had no way of holding the company accountable. So, to vent my frustration, I would like to share my story of that mistake.
It Starts With a Dream
Having lived in my house for a few years, my desire for a patio in the backyard came on quite suddenly. Debating it for a few months, I eventually mustered up the will to contact a contractor for an estimate. I was referred to a company from a friend who had had some lawn work done in the past. The company came highly recommended, and so I had faith that my experience would go equally as well. But, I was wrong.
A Dream Deferred
To this day, I have no idea why the situation turned out as bad as it did. One day, seemingly out of the blue, the contractor just stopped coming to work. My backyard was a mess with concrete and dirt spread throughout the whole lawn, and I had no idea where to begin fixing the mess. Whenever I tried to reach the contractor, he would come up with excuse after excuse. Eventually, he stopped answering my calls altogether. I had made the mistake of paying for most of the work up front, thinking that he would have finished quickly. So, when he stopped working on the patio, I had lost my initial investment, and I found it too difficult to quickly come up with some more money to hire someone else to finish his botched job. Had I had bond insurance, I could have dealt with this situation much faster, but my lack of foresight resulted in my living with the mess for nearly nine months thanks to Chicago's beautiful winter weather.
The End of the Story
After nine months of trying to get the contractor to come and finish my patio, I was able to finally get him to come to court, where my lawsuit proved successful, and I was able to recoup my investment. Did I have to put up with a terrible lawn for a long time? Definitely. This would not have been the case had I looked into, or even known about, bond insurance, which would have reimbursed me soon after the contractor stopped coming to work. So, the takeaway from this mistake is that while cutting corners on investments may seem like a good idea in the short term, you may ultimately save yourself time and frustration by going that extra step and getting bond insurance for whatever home project you would like to tackle.
Get covered and avoid a situation like this one with bond insurance. Farmington and Albuquerque, NM, residents can rely on Menicucci Insurance Agency, LLC. Visit our website at, http://www.mianm.com/surety-bonds-insurance/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Stratton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8668985

Answers to All Your Questions Regarding Loan and Mortgage Protection Insurance

Loan and mortgage protection insurance is designed to help you, and your family keep up-to-date with your loan repayments, when life events happen unexpectedly and regardless of mitigating circumstances. Put simply, mortgages or loans are often long-term commitments, so it makes sense to protect them.
Do You Think About the Unexpected?
There are a number of reasons why even the most responsible money managers may get into financial difficulty. Any of the following reasons can strike at any time and will leave you struggling to make your loan repayments:
>> Change in health - due to sickness, injury or disease
>> Loss of income - due to involuntary unemployment, or
>> Death and Terminal illness - when cancer, stroke or heart attack, etc. may occur.
Loan and Mortgage Protection Insurance - The Benefits
There are a number of benefits you can get from having a loan and mortgage protection insurance plan in place, which include:
>> The premiums are fully tax-deductible
>> Financial protection (you will save your family the worry of lost income)
>> You will save at tax time (you will get more money back in your tax return, and this means more money in your pocket)
>> You can choose how long you would like to receive cover benefits if you are injured and unable to work
>> Benefit payouts for total and permanent disability
>> A benefit amount (e.g. hospital cash) can be calculated for each night you spend in hospital
>> Associated accident costs can be provided to cover incidental costs (e.g. counseling and rehabilitation).
Common Questions regarding Loan and Mortgage Protection Insurance
Is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) different to Loan and Mortgage Insurance?
>> LMI - is compulsory and covers the lenders/credit providers if they lend you 80% or more
>> Loan and Mortgage Protection Insurance - covers your mortgage repayments in the event of death, sickness, unemployment or disability
Does the Unemployment Benefit apply if I am Self-Employed?
Yes. You may make a claim if:
>> You have worked in your business (for an average of 20 hours per week) for 180 days immediately prior to becoming unemployed, or
>> Your business has permanently ceased trading
What Happens to my Policy if my Unemployment Claim is Successful?
Your cover continues for death or terminal illness after making a successful unemployment claim, and your premium and benefits will remain the same.
Who will be the Beneficiaries?
>> For a single life policy, the benefit will be paid to the policy owner or their estate, and
>> For a joint policy, the benefit payments are made to the policy owners jointly or to the surviving policy owner in the case of the death benefit
What happens if I need to make a Claim and I have Other Insurance Policies?
Upon acceptance of your claim, the loan or mortgage protection policy will payout a lump sum benefit directly to you or your estate and this will be in addition to any other payments you may receive from other insurance policies.
What if I am a Smoker now, will my Premium Change if I Stop Smoking?
>> Yes. Your premium can be changed to a non-smoker rate if you stop smoking for 12 consecutive months, and
>> You will need to make a declaration that you have not smoked any substance during this period
So, now that you are familiar with how "Loan and Mortgage Protection Insurance" can protect you and your family against any of life's unexpected events, contact an insurance broker. He/she will understand your situation and suggest the best possible insurance policy for yourself.
Singh Finance is the perfect solution for your finance and insurance needs. The firm will help you in getting affordable finance packages. It will also make sure that you get the best loan and mortgage protection insurance policy. Contact Singh Finance and get ready to make your life less stressful.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Zelasko

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8664119

Do I Need Motor Legal Protection Cover? (On My Car Insurance)

If you're in an accident that was not your fault, the cost of getting your car repaired is not the only expense that you'll face. There are numerous additional costs that you might need to consider, such as the cost of phone calls to deal with claims and the financial impact of any essential time off work. These miscellaneous expenses are the ones that are covered by motor legal protection.
What are the benefits?
The recovery of costs including (but not exclusively):
  • Vehicle repair and recovery
  • Personal injury
  • Hire vehicle (often unlimited)
  • Loss of earnings
  • Policy excess
  • Medical bills
  • Legal expenses
Is motor legal protection a legal requirement?
Drivers are not legally required to have legal protection, and in fact, a large number of drivers do not have the cover. However, it can be extremely beneficial to invest in motor legal protection to fully shield oneself from all motor-related eventualities.
Consider the following scenario:
Mrs. Davies stops her car at a set of traffic lights. Another car, going too fast, drives into the back of her. The rear of Mrs. Davies' car is badly damaged and she is injured. Mr. Barnes, the man driving the other car, is at fault. While his insurance will pay for the damage to Mrs. Davies' car, there are many other expenses that Mrs. Davies will incur. For example she is forced to pay out for the car-towing fees, a hire car until her car is fixed and a considerable policy excess on her car. Her injuries necessitate a visit to the doctor and because she is self-employed, this causes her to lose half a day's earnings. Mrs. Davies has not got motor legal protection. Uncertain if she is permitted to claim back these expenses and daunted by the prospect of chasing up her claims, she decides not to claim and is left out-of-pocket.
In the above scenario, if Mrs. Davies had motor legal protection she would have felt reassured in knowing that a legal professional would have chased her claims on her behalf, and that her uninsured losses and expenses would have been reimbursed, hassle-free.
Why do some people choose not to buy motor legal protection?
Market research suggests that the main reason people do not buy motor protection is because they feel it is too expensive, an unnecessary expense that can be spared. This view is somewhat paradoxical considering the amount of money typically paid out by the non-fault party in an accident. Granted, some motor protection polices can be unnecessarily expensive with high-commission pushing up the prices. However, if people are prepared to shop around, there are some extremely competitive high-quality, low-cost packages available on the market.
What if you don't have motor legal protection?
Everybody is entitled to claim back any uninsured losses; however this tends to require a lot of effort. You would personally have deal with every single aspect of your claim and although achievable, it would necessitate a lot of time, patience and determination. The benefit of having protection makes the process of getting back to the position you were prior to the accident relatively hassle-free. It will make life easier for you as a driver, providing important peace of mind in knowing that your uninsured losses will be recovered in an accident that was not your fault.
Will your insurer sell you legal expenses?
They may try! Many insurers offer legal protection as an optional extra, often under another name such as uninsured loss recovery or legal expenses insurance. It is important to realise that you are not obligated to take them up on their offer. In fact, you're likely to find that even if you want motor legal protection cover it is cheaper to buy it elsewhere, since most insurance companies charge a premium to add it to your insurance.
It can be easy to see motor legal protection cover as one more unnecessary expense, but the benefits certainly outweigh the cost. To find out more about Motor Legal Protection, visit: https://www.bestpricefs.co.uk/motor-legal-protection
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Harry

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8642851

Commercial Insurance for Small Businesses Protects Investments

Small businesses truly are the backbone of the American economy. In 2013, there were about 28 million small businesses in the U.S. It is estimated that 50 percent of the working population, or about 120 million people, work for a small business. Additionally, they are responsible for creating over 65 percent of new jobs since 1995. Starting a small business is a good option for individuals who want to work closely with their clients, obtain results without layers of corporate bureaucracy, and reap the rewards of their hard work. However, they require research, time, and capital; the Small Business Administration estimates that it costs about $30,000 to start a business. In addition to securing a workspace, necessary licenses, and hiring workers, you should also include the cost of commercial insurance policies to protect your investment in your startup budget, and take measures to prevent being sued.
There are a number of different types of commercial insurance policies. The type of business you run will determine the types of policies that will best protect your investment. All businesses should have general liability insurance. If someone is injured by you, your product, your services, or one of your employees, this type of policy will provide you with a defense, and it will pay any damages associated with the alleged loss. Most businesses will benefit from protection offered by property insurance, which insures against the loss of the location, inventory, or equipment. These types of policies may also insure the property of your clients within your control. For example, if you own a watch repair business that burns down, destroying the watches you are repairing, your policy will cover the loss of the watches.
If your business involves transporting employees or equipment in vehicles, obtaining a commercial insurance auto policy is a wise decision. A commercial auto policy protects damage resulting from collisions. It can also cover any damage caused by employees driving their own vehicles for company business. Companies providing professional services should consider professional liability insurance, which is also known as malpractice, or errors and omissions insurance. This type of policy covers lawyers, accountants, notaries, real estate agents, hair salons, and others, for damages associated with improper service.
The sheer number of available policies can be intimidating, and expensive. You may want to inquire about a business policy, which provides a bundle of services at a discounted premium.
Finally, there are a number of steps you can take to help ensure that you do not need to use any of your various policies. Hire a competent attorney to review contracts or advise you on business practices. Incorporating your business will protect your personal assets from seizure, in the event the business is found liable. You should also do your best to protect files, including client information or credit card numbers.
Consider talking with a commercial insurance agent to discuss policies that might benefit your business. Someone well versed in the field can spot opportunities for a litigious customer, and recommend appropriate coverage.
Are you interested in obtaining commercial insurance? Mobile, AL, business owners can contact us. Visit our site today! http://www.thamesbatre.com/services/commercial-insurance.php.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Stratton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8645800

Your Career Success Is Up To You

Do you want a job or a career? When you have a job you get up and go to work, perform whatever duties are required of you and collect a paycheck. Many people who have jobs do so because they have to, not because they want to.
When you have a job that pays you enough to cover your bills it is very hard to quit it. Many times our jobs means we have a J.O.B.(just over broke) position and although we work 40 plus hours a week we never seem to get by. This makes us slaves to our positions and keep us from looking to have something better. A job can keep you trapped in a position that is very hard to get away from.
A career is something else. It starts with knowing what you want to do each and every day. You prepare for what you will be doing each day by getting a good education. Then once you enter the field you want to work in you actually go to work each day enjoying what you do. You don't have a job: you have a hobby that you love doing and getting paid for each day.
I know this situation first hand. I have had more jobs than any of my friends. I would take a position, stay a few months and then move on because the jobs became boring, I wasn't making enough money, etc. I believed that the answer was in finding the right "job". What I found is when you pursue a career in an industry you want to be in, you can create the opportunity that will allow you to flourish at your work space.
Let me offer a few suggestions about pursuing a career;
1) Be true to yourself - know who you are, what you want and why you want it.
2) Do what you love, the money will follow - don't chase dollar bills. Refuse to work strictly for pay. Instead tap into your passion. Find out what you are willing to do for free and let money be the side benefit.
People who have great careers tend to love what they do. When you are in that category you smile every day and become very grateful for the position you have.
I think finding what you love and then making it work for you is the best career choice anyone can make.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffery_Davis

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8639215